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The Profiles of Photon Hydrogen Inc. and Wangtec Hydrogen Energy Inc.

(Taiwan) Photon Hydrogen lnc. Was established on December 23, 2009. It focuses on the development of hydrogen energy-related products with waste-to-hydrogen energy as the main emphasis. The current results are quite extraordinary.

On April 1, 2010, the company is stationed in the Technology Transfer and Incubation Center of National Cheng Kung University, under technical counseling by Professor Chi S. Wang of Advanced Power  System Research  Center.

From May 30th to June 1st, 2011, the company participated in the international demonstration of 100-kW hydrogen fuel cell power plant in Singapore’s Temasek Polytechnic. It successfully produced hydrogen from expired tomato juice, and waste glycerol to generate electric power.

In 2011, the company achieved a technology breakthrough which enables it to handle and treat solid waste directly.

  In 2012, the company successfully developed photon plasma technology. This breakthrough enables cleaning of low-graded coal, achieving high added value. It can also be applied to any solid wastes of low heating values, solid wastes, including coal urchin, stinky coal, lignite, oil shale, heavy oils, solid petroleum, mixed waste plastics, waste tires, etc. Another wave of industrial revolution is bound to break out.

In 2017, after the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration has evaluated and verified seven extremely difficult industrial wastes over a one-year period, the Photon Plasma technology was certified as having the most potential in today’s global market, as it can convert industrial wastes efficiently into green energy, topping the list of gasification technologies.  At the same time, it was also selected by the Taiwan Executive Yuan as an important enterprise for national development and cultivation.

On June 24, 2 019, a separate company, Wangtec Hydrogen Energy Inc. was formed for the business of “Photon Plasma Energy Creation Sector” whilst Photon Hydrogen Inc. remains focusing on the operation and business in the fields of energy storage, electricity storage, biomedical negative hydrogen ion water, and other water resources.

With full authorization of Waste-to-Energy and Photon Plasma patent and Know-how, the company fully focuses and develop “pure hydrogen”, “hydrogen-rich synthesis gas”, “clean power”, “clean raw oil fuels” and “special chemical raw materials”. In the 21st century hydrogen economy era, it vows to be a new leader in energy and environmental protection!

Waste-to-EnergyOn-SiteOn-BoardOn-DemandStandard ModuleCan Be Scaled Upare standard features and characteristics of the company products from both Photon Hydrogen Inc and Wangtec Hydrogen Energy Inc., respectively.


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